Alta White - United Kingdom

Alta White Teeth Whitening Affiliate Program: This patented dental whitening system begins washing away coffee, tea and other hard-to-remove stains after only one use. A unique 2-step process releases free oxygen to oxidize and lift organic stains away from teeth. Reveal your new whiter smile in as little as 6 days. This Offer is available only for UK.

African Mango - Spanish

African Mango - Spain

African Mango - Russian

Acai Berry Select Cut

Lose Weight and Get Ripped! Studies have shown that this little berry is one of the most nutritious and powerful foods in the world! This version of Acai Berry Select is specifically geared toward men as a work out supplement. The Trial Offer is available in all authorized countries below.

Acai Berry Select - Uruguay

Acai Berry Select - Russian

Мы соединили ягоды асаи с другими питательными веществами, которые способствуют потере веса и обретению жизненной энергии, а также с антиоксидантами, которые улучшают состояние кожи. Каковы результаты нашей работы? Вы получаете продукт с антиоксидантами и ягодами асаи с качествами зеленого чая и других веществ в одной, простой в употреблении капсуле.

Acai Berry Select French

Acai Berry Select - Dutch

De Acaibessen (de vrucht van de Acaipalmen in het Amazonegebied), die voor hun verjongende en ontgiftende eigenschappen al honderden jaren door de Brazilianen geoogst worden als een vaste kost , hebben veel aandacht in de media gekregen, van artikels in fitnessbladen tot gespreksonderwerpen op populaire tv-programma's zoals Oprah en de Today Show, en duizenden over de hele wereld zeggen dat Acai Berry-producten hen een gezonder leven gaf, vol energie en levenskracht. Maar we zijn met Acai Berry nog een stap verder gegaan door het Acai-extract samen te voegen met een combinatie van bouwstoffen die helpen bij het afslanken, en grotere energieniveaus en antioxidanten die een gezonde huid stimuleren. Het resultaat van onze formule? U krijgt de kracht van Acai Berries gecombineerd met het gezonde profijt van groene thee en andere bouwstoffen in een tijdbesparende, gemakkelijk in te nemen capsule. U hoeft geen poeders te mengen of af te meten; gewoon innemen zoals aangegeven om u te helpen met afslanken, terwijl u meer energie en een gezondere huid krijgt.

Acai Berry Select - Chile

Nuestra formula avanzada de bayas de Acai y extracto de té verde, es una solución completamente natural que a sido formulada para maximizar tu pérdida de peso, conjuntamente con un programa exclusivo de ejercicios que tendrás acceso con tu orden de hoy. Combinada con una dieta adecuada, ejercicio diario y suficiente agua diaria, los ingredientes en Acai Exclusivo le ayudaran a mantener un cuerpo delgado más rápido y mucho más fácil.

Skin Exfoliator

The Revitol all natural skin exfoliator is the revolutionary age-defying skin care system that peels away the ravages of time to reveal the secret of a beautiful face beautiful, healthy, radiant youthful looking skin.

Yacon Molasses

Yacon Molasses comes from the Yacon Root and is a robust plant that provides sweet tasting roots that have been used among the people of Peru for hundreds of years. Due to recent research and clinical studies the weight loss benefits have been shown to be incredible, and has now been coined the Metabolism Game Changer. The secret lies in the extract of the root which is high in Fructooligosaccharide (FOS) which acts as a prebiotic and promotes your skinny bacteria. Aside from super charging your metabolism this will act as a natural appetite suppressant throughout the day.


Serious bodybuilders know the skin-ripping, super-pumped look they get immediately after an intense workout" "Now, thanks to Extreme NO's Nitric Oxide boosting formula you keep that ripped look all day long. Boost your load capacity, maximize full body recovery, maximize fat burn and improve muscularity. The Trial Offer is available in all authorized countries below.

Virility EX

The Virility EX program is the most powerful natural male enhancement program available anywhere in the world. With years of success behind our product and being one of the only companies that uses 100% natural ingredients we foresee you having great success. The Trial Offer is available in all authorized countries below.


Venorex™ is a professional strength formula that provides a natural alternative to expensive laser procedures. It contains a highly concentrated botanical complex, active plant extracts, anti-aging peptides, vitamins and other specially selected ingredients to help reduce the appearance of varicose, spider and thread veins on face and body. It helps decrease the appearance of red blotches on cheeks and helps diminish the look of under eye dark circles.

Tinnitus Control

FDA Registered Tinnitus Control relieves the symptoms of Tinnitus and helps stop the constant ringing in ears. You can experience all-natural homeopathic relief of the annoying ringing and constant distraction of Tinnitus with Tinnitus Control-just two sprays under the tongue up to three times a day and two capsules twice daily can help reduce your symptoms safely and quickly!


Thyromine is an all-natural thyroid supplement that works with your body's own systems to help the thyroid produce the right amount of hormone for your everyday needs. If you want your thyroid gland functioning in top condition, Thyromine can help. Imagine how good you'll feel. So start today!


Did you know that nearly 11 million of us have a hypo-active thyroid? And that Hypothyroidism is linked to obesity and high cholesterol? Fortunately there’s help...Hypothyroidism, also called under-active thyroid, is a condition in which the thyroid gland doesn't produce enough thyroid hormone to regulate the needs of the body. Even though it’s linked to many of our modern day ills, many of us are unaware that our thyroid may be the culprit. The Trial Offer is available in all authorized countries below.

Stretch Mark Cream by Revitol

As part of our Revitol product line we have now developed a revolutionary new cream to be used as a preventative treatment for stretch marks before, during and after pregnancy. This Stretch Mark Prevention cream will also help to reduce the appearance of existing stretch marks!

Stretch Mark Cream by Dermology

As part of our Dermology product line we have now developed a revolutionary new cream to be used as a preventative treatment for stretch marks before, during and after pregnancy. This Stretch Mark Prevention cream will also help to reduce the appearance of existing stretch marks! The Trial Offer is available in all authorized countries below.


Snore Zip is an all-natural, homeopathic oral spray designed to help alleviate the symptoms that may be causing you to snore, so you and your partner can get the benefits that come with getting better quality sleep.

Smoke Deter

SMOKE DETER is designed to relieve multiple symptoms, and can be safely used with no drowsiness or adverse side effects. SMOKE DETER is absorbed quickly into the blood vessels under the tongue. Our sublingual application is the preferred method to deliver homeopathic ingredients to combat your symptoms so you can feel better quickly.

Slap Happy

Skin Brightener Cream

Get brighter, lighter healthier, more glowing skin! You can have skin you'll be proud of - skin that looks healthy, bright, light and young with Revitol Skin Brightener! Not everyone is born with beautiful skin. And not everyone who's born with beautiful skin can keep it. Harsh ultraviolet light, oxidizing free radicals and the aging process all cause skin discoloration and fading. But now there's a way for your skin to look its best. Maybe better than you ever imagined!

Saffron Extract Select

Saffron Extract Select™ is the highest quality saffron extract product available on the market. If you're serious about losing weight, then don't settle for cheap imitations. Saffron Extract Select™ is your best choice if you want to lose weight and it comes with a money back guarantee because we are confident that you will lose weight or your money back!

Revitol Stretch Mark Cream

finally, a stretch mark cream that really works! Embarrassed by Existing Stretch Marks? Worried Pregnancy Will Ruin Your Perfect Skin? With Revitol Stretch Mark Prevention Cream You Can Prevent Stretch Marks from Forming and Reduce the Appearance of Existing Stretch Marks! Revitol Stretch Mark Prevention Cream is an all natural formula created to prevent the formation of stretch marks during pregnancy. Its blend of natural ingredients increases the elasticity of skin while strengthening and conditioning the epidermis for the ultimate in protection against stretch marks. Best of all, Revitol Stretch Mark Prevention Cream is so beneficial that it can reduce the appearance of existing stretch marks along with several other benefits.

Revitol Scar Cream

Revitol Scar Cream removes the appearance of Acne Scars, Burns, cuts, gashes and scars caused by surgery. We’ve worked hard to develop a blend of all-natural ingredients that fortify your skin with proteins and vitamins. This formula helps combat the causes of scarring and heal skin from scars caused by acne, burns, and other factors in a way that’s both safe and effective.

Revitol Rosacea Treatment

At last, a formula is available to help you get relief from a variety of your Rosacea symptoms with just one cream. The ingredients in Revitol Rosacea were specifically chosen for their ability to address multiple Rosacea symptoms, allowing you to finally treat the redness, irritation and unsightliness of Rosacea with only one product.

Revitol Pore Minimizer

Revitol Pore Minimizer is the ultimate quick fix for flawless, photo-ready skin. It fits seamlessly into any individual’s regimen – skincare or makeup – because of its incredible ability to instantly hide the appearance of pores and mattify shine. This silky, smooth formula glides onto clean skin or on top of makeup leaving an un-tinted, powder finish. Its unique blend of natural ingredients provides continuous pore refining benefits, and helps skin look and feel smoother, more uniform and shine-free.

Revitol Phytoceramides Solution

Market the leading Phytoceramides Affiliate Program. Phytoceramides have been featured on TV across the world and has now been coined the “Natural Facelift” by a popular TV Doctor. Revitol Phytoceramides is a cutting edge anti wrinkle ingestible and topical solution which can help you look younger and more beautiful by reducing the appearance of wrinkles, fine lines and other effects of aging.This revolutionary anti aging solution utilizes the most advanced ingredients available today. The active ingredients not only help to firm, hydrate, and tighten facial skin but also help to repair the appearance of fines lines.

Revitol Hair Removal Cream

Revitol Hair Removal Cream works equally well on men and women; it is safe for use anywhere on the body and it only requires one simple application. It will be absorbed quickly and removed instantaneously. Our product has proven to eliminate regular shaving, waxing and the use of tweezers, not to mention the hassle and the expense of Electrolysis and Laser treatments. Revitol Hair Removal Cream is the most effective alternative to expensive laser treatments and electrolysis.

Revitol Hair Removal - Polish

Wyobraz sobie gładką ,pozbawioną włosow skóre nie musząc sie golić lub waxować.Revitol Depilator usuwa niechciane włosy łatwo i bezbolesnie! Revitol depilator krem działa na kobiety i męzczyzn tak samo, jest bezpieczny na całym ciele i wystarczy jeden zabieg.Wchłania sie szybko i usuwa. Nasz produkt eliminuje regularne golenie,waxowanie i stosowanie maszynek.Revitol Krem Depilujacy jest efektywny w zastąpieniu drogiego procesu laserem i elektrolizy!

Revitol Eye Cream

Helps reduce those dark under-eye circles and puffiness and simultaneously reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, resulting in noticeably younger looking eyes.

Revitol Eczema Cream

Developed with leading dermatologists, this breakthrough cream helps relieve irritated skin, intensely moisturizes and helps prevent the recurrence of extra-dry skin. It's enriched with a ceramide, an essential lipid, naturally found within the skin that play a key role in enhancing and restoring the skin's protective function. Clinically shown to help reduce the itching and irritation of eczema. Plus, it's dermatologist tested, and gentle enough for babies and children.

Revitol Cellulite Cream

Revitol Cellulite Cream helps reduce the appearance of cellulite by attacking the problem where it lives:just beneath you skin. The unsightly bumps of cellulite are the result of packets of fat collecting just below your skin's surface - a place blood flow just can't reach. Revitol's all-natural cellulite-reducing formula allows for easy absorption into those stubborn areas creating a firmer and tighter look for your skin while reducing unsightly cellulite dimples. Best of all, Revitol is simple to use! Just apply the anti-cellulite creatm directly to the affected areas and begin showing off your arms, legs, and abs agian in a matter of weeks. No more hiding under sweaters and jeans - with Revitol you can dust off thet swimsuit and hit the beach with confidence thanks to these exciting features.
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